Getting Started

The first step towards using Avocado-Virt is, quite obviously, installing it.

Installing Avocado

Start by following the instructions on this link.

Installing Avocado-Virt

Having installed Avocado, you should already have the right repos enabled.

Fedora and Enterprise Linux

Installing Avocado-VT on Fedora or Enterprise Linux is a matter of installing the avocado-plugins-vt package. Install it with:

$ yum install avocado-virt

Bootstrapping Avocado-Virt

After the package, a bootstrap process must be run wit the vt-bootstrap command. Example:

$ avocado virt-bootstrap

The output should be similar to:

Probing your system for test requirements
7zip present
Verifying expected SHA1 sum from
Expected SHA1 sum: 177468b8e5fcb7b9c5982a6bc21ff45df6d80b2f
Compressed JeOS image found in /home/<user>/avocado/data/images/jeos-23-64.qcow2.7z, with proper SHA1
Uncompressing the JeOS image to restore pristine state. Please wait...
Successfully uncompressed the image
Your system appears to be all set to execute tests

Another addition you’ll notice is that the avocado subcommand run now has extra parameters that you can pass:

$ avocado run -h
virtualization testing arguments:
  --qemu-bin QEMU_BIN   Path to a custom qemu binary to be tested. Current
                        path: /bin/qemu-kvm
  --qemu-dst-bin QEMU_DST_BIN
                        Path to a destination qemu binary to be tested. Used
                        as incoming qemu in migration tests. Current path:
  --qemu-img-bin QEMU_IMG_BIN
                        Path to a custom qemu-img binary to be tested. Current
                        path: /bin/qemu-img
  --qemu-io-bin QEMU_IO_BIN
                        Path to a custom qemu-io binary to be tested. Current
                        path: /bin/qemu-io
  --guest-image-path GUEST_IMAGE_PATH
                        Path to a guest image to be used in tests. Current
                        path: /home/<user>/avocado/data/images/jeos-23-64.qcow2
  --guest-user GUEST_USER
                        User that avocado should use for remote logins.
                        Current: root
  --guest-password GUEST_PASSWORD
                        Password for the user avocado should use for remote
                        logins. You may omit this if SSH keys are setup in the
                        guest. Current: 123456
  --take-screendumps    Take regular QEMU screendumps (PPMs) from VMs under
                        test. Current: False
  --record-videos       Encode videos from VMs under test. Implies --take-
                        screendumps. Current: False
  --qemu-template [QEMU_TEMPLATE]
                        Create qemu command line from a template

That’s right, the virt plugin gives you new options on the runner specific to the QEMU related tests. For example, you can provide --qemu-bin to tell your tests that you want a specific QEMU binary instead of whatever the runner could find looking in the system PATH or environment variables.

Now, after you bootstrapped your tests, you may want to look for some examples on how to build your tests. We have a repo with example virtualization tests in Cloning this repo will allow you to run the example tests and study them:

$ git clone
Cloning into 'avocado-virt-tests'...
remote: Counting objects: 15, done.
remote: Total 15 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (15/15), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
$ cd avocado-virt-tests/
$ avocado run qemu/
JOB ID     : <id>
JOB LOG    : /home/<user>/avocado/job-results/job-<timestamp-shortid>/job.log
TESTS      : 1
(1/1) qemu/ PASS (23.13 s)
JOB HTML   : /home/<user>/avocado/job-results/job-<timestamp-shortid>/html/results.html
TIME       : 23.13 s

With this info, we are covering the basics. We’ll cover setup details and the available test API in later sessions.